Monday, June 4, 2012

Blog 1: Summer Mentorship Component

Mentorship Log

    Literal (Know)
10am – 2pm Tuesdays and Fridays for a month
Robert Kellohen
(909) 627-5366 ext. 661

    Literal (Need to know)   
·      What is the best preventive measure in keeping a computer free from damage?
·      What physical and mental traits and/or abilities are needed in computer consulting?

Realizing that this was something I enjoyed doing as well in my free time. This is important because it’s better to do something that you’re interested in doing than something that you aren’t.

This helped me choose my topic because of the in-depth experience that it gave me into the job field that I would be working in in the future, along with building communications between people who could be potential customers in the future.